Tuesday, February 22, 2011

STACY:post 1: mad hatters tea party

чай chai (russian) thé (german), te (Hebrew), te (Swedish), Chay (Ukranian), thee (Dutch), Cha (Hebrew), te (Korean), chai (Vietnamese), chai (Bulgaria), Koucha (Japanese), the (Malaysia), te (Icelandic), Chai (Greek), Shai (Arabic), Chaaya (Hindi), Chay (Turkish), C^aj (Czeh), tee (Finnish), Herbata (Polish)

This week in class we will be using the de Bono  six thinking hats technique  to examine the growing tea market. This market  can be further sub divided into  traditional, budget, wellness, and gourmet and novelty. What sort of tea drinker are you? Please bring something non digital to class to reflect your tea drinking style. Of course bring your thinking hats!


  1. I think mastering this way of thinking is really productive ,aswell as positive.

  2. I totally agree with you Luke, just taking the time to re-evalutate that initial concept and take it to different levels really helps to highlight the obvious
